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Unlocking Your Heart is now available!


Josie moved from town to town for years hiding form her past and trying to find a place that felt like home. She finally found that in Blossom Hills, but after tragedy strikes, she finds herself coming back to town with her four nieces and nephews. Letting everyone into her heart is the hardest thing she's ever had to do, and now the sexy neighbor is skillfully unlocking every last barrier she has left.


Grayson has definitely made his share of mistakes. Now that he has opened his business and is giving back to the community, he is finally becoming the person he always should have been. He thought his world was complete, until the morning he saw the perfectly pressed Josie in the bakery. Now she has moved her into the house next door and he's going to show her that he can turn her tidy little world into a beautiful chaos.


As the two find love with each other, another shadow looms over their future threatening to extinguish the light and happiness they've found together. Can they find the key to unlocking everything they ever wanted, or has fate stepped in again?

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A Taste of Sweetness


"An adorable, small town romance with plenty of charm, humor, drama, and romance" 

- Jennifer (Amazon)

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Images of Devotion


"I absolutely adored this book. At points I was crying, then laughing and then smiling."

- Vedika (Amazon)


Enchanted by Love Audiobook Now Available!!


I am excited to share Enchanted by Love, the story about Ariel and Kyle. is now available in audio at retailers everwhere!


Kyle returned to Blossom Hills intending to have the life he always wanted with the woman he has wanted since he was 12 years old.  However, upon his return danger followed him back from Philadelphia and he had to watch Ariel from the sidelines.  Now that the danger seems to have disappeared, after years of pushing her away can he convince Ariel that he is ready to give her forever?


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Images of Devotion Audiobook now available!!


I am excited to announce that Images of Devotion is available at most retailers like Audible, Chirp, Scribd, Google, and more. Listen to Bryn Austin narrate the amazing story of Dixie and Chase as they find love and devotion with each other.

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Enchanted by Love


"This story has suspense, drama, danger, villians, and romance. It kept me turning pages."


- Barbara (Goodreads)

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Unlocking Your Heart


"This was a fun and fast-paced story, with excellent character development and a great plot to pull the reader right into the story line. "

- Emily (Amazon)

 Content Information


As an avid reader, I have found that not much that I read triggers a negative reaction.  However, I acknowledge that is not true for everyone.  My books are set mostly set in a light tone through building friendships and finding love, but as it is in real life, things happen that may cause reactions for a reader.  This page is to provide content information about my books and give the opportunity for readers to make informed choices about their next reading adventure.  

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